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Arotrix Cream 15g



Arotrix Cream is indicated for the treatment of scabies and lice infestations.

Dosage & Administration
Precise recommendations for administration of Arotrix Cream are not possible because of variation in body surface and skin type from patient to patient. However the approximate amount of cream to be used is given as follows:
Adults & children over 12 years: Up to 30 g cream.In some cases, adults may need more 30 g cream for whole body application. Up to 60 g cream can be used.
Children of 6-12 years: Up to 15 g cream.
Children of 1-6 years: Up to 7.5 g cream.
Children of 2 months – 1 year: Up to 3.75 g cream.

Before use, ensure that your skin is clean, dry and cool.
Directions for application for adults and Children : Apply Arotrix Cream in the skin over the whole body, excluding the head, taking particular attention to the areas between the fingers & toes, wrists, axillae, external genitalia and buttocks. The whole body should be washed thoroughly 8-12 hours later. If any area of the body is subsequently washed with soap and water during the treatment, Arotrix Cream should be reapplied.
A single application is generally curative. If necessary Arotrix Cream may be reapplied after seven days of initial application.
Directions for application for elderly & Children of 2 months – 2 years:
Directions for application for such patients are the same as directed for adults and children over 2 years. An adult must supervise a children for the treatment with Arotrix Cream.

Side effects
Burning or stinging occurs in a few patients soon after application of Arotrix Cream. This symptom occurs more frequently in patients with severe scabies and is usually mild and transient. Other sings and symptoms include erythema, oedema, eczema, rash which are considered to be part of the natural history of scabies.
In some treated patients, itching may persist because of allergic reactions to the dead mites under the skin and does not necessarily signify a treatment failure.

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